International KnowHow / DoHow for Croatia

What makes Maltese more relaxed and happier than Croats?

We are located in Malta where we are working on the project “International KnowHow / DoHow for Croatia”.


The project is backed by KAIROS Mentor Andreas Wil Gerdes to boost CROATIA2.0 based on #healthyliving, #digitalization, and #empoweringpeople.

Andreas started visiting Croatia in 2017 and came up with what he calls CROATIA2.0 based on IOT (Integrity, Openness, and Transparency) as a brand and path to boost the country.


With this project, the Earth Trek Association is raising the awareness of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia about the importance of upgrading the quality of life by improving environmental conditions and ensuring the availability of healthy food.

– With this project, we want to provide the residents of Croatia (but also all other interested people, regardless of nationality, religion, gender, race and other division criteria) with an insight into the way of life that has proven to be excellent and sustainable in Malta. We want to present the positive aspects of life in Malta and translate it into the life of Croatian citizens.


Over the last 8 years, Malta has undergone numerous changes, primarily in the attitude of people towards everyday life, towards themselves, towards their health, but also about the environment in which they live.
Many Maltese have turned to food production and food preparation, choosing organic, healthy, plant-based food.
It is obvious that the people of Malta give a lot of importance to the so-called alternative methods of maintaining health and invest a lot in the prevention and strengthening of the body’s capacity to heal itself and defend itself against disease and to maintain the achieved balance. This is also noticeable in the names of restaurants and projects happening in Malta, so there are restaurants and shops called Balance Bowl, Dr Juice, Pure Living, etc., all of which point to the fact that Maltese are well aware that #healthyliving is closely linked to #healthyeating.
Malta is a great example of putting the #ImmunityWellness concept into practice.

Dr Juice restaurant

Maltese also turn to yoga, meditation, connecting with nature. In this way, they heal deeply engraved traumas that often keep us stuck in situations and places that are not good for us and do not allow us to progress and develop, and ultimately result in unfulfilled and unhappy living.


And I can say that the results in Malta are actually visible.
The first thing I noticed here is that the Maltese are extremely kind and warm, in a way that is sporadically seen in Croatia.
Moving aside on the street (even when the obstacle is on my side), greeting even though we don’t know each other (with the obligatory smile, of course), chatting at the bus station, warmth and benevolence, are the characteristics of Maltese that I would definitely like to portray to Croatian citizens.
I was especially impressed by the kindness and accessibility of drivers in public transport, atypical for the Croatian climate, and the staff in restaurants as well as doctors in the hospital are equally friendly in ways completely different from the usual Croatian way of behaving.


Ubiquitous nervousness, constant hustle and bustle, inability to find time for friends and socializing, feelings of heaviness and pressure, existential anxiety, are almost unknown in Malta.

Valletta by night

What ensures the Maltese such ease of living, low stress and a sense of peace we will try to discover in the coming days.

“Everything is better in Malta!” – maybe this is how this article sounds. But that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case.

I challenge you to find something we are better at than Malta!

And then to exchange the best of our sides and further improve the quality of life, both in Croatia and in Malta.

– Written by Natalija Svrtan

“Pesticide Free Towns” movie – discover the connection between #CityManagement, #HealthyLiving and #ImmunityWellness

Earth Trek premieres the second educational movie from the”Pesticide Effects and Sustainable Alternatives” series

Pesticides Free Towns provide their citizens with a safe and healthy environment, and also contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals


After the first educational movie with German entrepreneur based in Malta Andreas Wil Gerdes as a guest speaker, we are premiering the second movie – “Pesticides Free Towns”, in collaboration with the Association of Croatian Cities
Pesticides Fee Towns” is a project of the organization PAN Europe that aims to connect cities and exchange experiences in the process of transition to sustainable ways of managing green areas, based on the principles of the circular economy.

The guests in the movie are the mayor of Ozalj, mr. sc. Gordana Lipšinić and the head of the City Office for Agriculture and Forestry of the City of Zagreb, Mrs. Branka Mrakužić, B. Sc., who explained why their cities decided to take a step further in preserving human health, the environment and nature.

Branka Mrakužić
Gordana Lipšinić

 The premiere of the film will take place at the conference “cITy UPGRADE” organized by Association of Croatian Cities, 10 Sepember 2020 at 10:45, and on Earth Trek’s YouTube channel, at the same time, on the following link:

Despite repeated calls for other Croatian cities to follow these positive examples, Zagreb and Ozalj remain the only Croatian cities that can boast of safe and #HealthyGreenSpaces.

“We made this educational movie to encourage mayors of other Croatian cities to commit to protecting the health of their citizens and to contribute to the protection of the environment and nature, as well as to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. At a time when the Covid crisis highlighted the importance of raising immunity protection from this and other diseases, living in a healthy environment is certainly of primary importance. A healthy and safe environment is also one of the basic settings for creating a tourist offer that includes “Immunity-wellness”, which is in high demand among foreign citizens. Many Croatian cities have this opportunity, we want to encourage them to use it.”said Natalija Svrtan, M. Sc., president of the Earth Trek Association.

City of Zagreb
City of Ozalj

The movie was recorded with funding from the Global Greengrants Fund and will be available for free broadcast.

Natalija is currently in Malta where she is working with Majbritt Kristensen, a circular economy expert, and Andreas Wil Gerdes, a successful entrepreneur and mentor, and other collaborators on the project “International KnowHow / DoHow for Croatia”, which aims to initiate positive change in the Republic Croatia, based on the experiences of people who have made significant changes in Malta in the last 8 years. The goal is to replicate this successful model on the Croatian situation.

Natalija Svrtan
Natalija Svrtan

The Earth Trek Association promotes sustainability, preservation of human health, the environment and nature, and is committed to reducing the use of pesticides with the aim of finally putting them out of use.

For more information, call +385 91 519 2593. 

Film “Gradovi Bez Pesticida” – otkrijte vezu između upravljanja gradom, zdravog načina života i Imunitet-wellnessa

Udruga Zemljane staze premijerno prikazuje drugi obrazovni film iz serije “Učinci pesticida i održive alternative”


Gradovi bez pesticida pružaju svojim građanima siguran i zdrav okoliš, a također doprinose postizanju ciljeva održivog razvoja

Nakon prvog obrazovnog filma u kojem je gostovao njemački poduzetnik sa sjedištem na Malti Andreas Wil Gerdes, u suradnji s Udrugom gradova premijerno prikazujemo drugi film – “Gradovi bez pesticida”. 
“Gradovi bez pesticida” je projekt organizacije PAN Europe kojem je cilj povezivanje gradova i razmjena iskustava u procesu prijelaza na održive načine upravljanja zelenim površinama, temeljene na načelima kružnog gospodarstva.

Gosti u filmu su gradonačelnica Ozlja, mr. sc. Gordana Lipšinić i Voditeljica odjela za poljoprivredno zemljište u Uredu za poljoprivredu i šumarstvo Grada Zagreba, gđa. Branka Mrakužić, dipl. ing agr., univ. spec., koje su nam ispričale zašto su njihovi gradovi odlučili napraviti korak dalje u očuvanju zdravlja ljudi, okoliša i prirode.

Branka Mrakužić
Gordana Lipšinić

Premijera filma održat će se na konferenciji “cITy UPGRADE” koju organizira Udruga gradova, 10.09.2020 u 10:45 sati, te na YouTube kanalu udruge Zemljane staze u isto vrijeme, na sljedećoj poveznici:

Unatoč ponovljenim pozivima i ostalim hrvatskim gradovima da slijede ove pozitivne primjere, gradovi Zagreb i Ozalj i nadalje ostaju jedini hrvatski gradovi koji se mogu pohvaliti sigurnim i zdravim zelenim površinama. #HealthyGreenSpaces

“Ovim obrazovnim filmom želimo potaknuti gradonačelnike ostalih hrvatskih gradova da se obvežu zaštititi zdravlje svojih građana i doprinijeti zaštiti okoliša i prirode, kao i ciljevima održivog razvoja.

“U vrijeme kada je Covid-19 kriza naglasila važnost podizanja imuniteta kako bismo se zaštitili od ove, ali i od drugih bolesti, život u zdravom okolišu zasigurno je od primarne važnosti. Zdravo i sigurno okruženje također je jedna od osnovnih postavki za stvaranje turističke ponude koja uključuje “Imunitet-wellness”, a koji je među stranim građanima vrlo tražen. Mnogi hrvatski gradovi imaju savršene postavke za kreiranje ovakve turističke ponude, želimo ih potaknuti da iskoriste ovu mogućnost.”, rekla je Natalija Svrtan, mag. ing. agroekologije, predsjednica udruge Zemljane staze.

Grad Zagreb
Grad Ozalj

Film je snimljen sredstvima Global Greengrants Fund i bit će besplatno dostupan za emitiranje i dijeljenje.

Natalija Svrtan se trenutno nalazi na Malti gdje s Majbritt Kristensen, stručnjakinjom za kružno gospodarstvo i Andreasom Wilom Gerdesom, uspješnim poduzetnikom i mentorom, te drugim suradnicima radi na projektu “International Knowhow / Dohow for Croatia”, koji za cilj ima pokretanje pozitivnih promjena u Republici Hrvatskoj temeljenih na iskustvima ljudi koji su na Malti u posljednjih 8 godina napravili značajne promjene. Taj uspješan model žele preslikati i prilagoditi ga hrvatskim uvjetima.

Natalija Svrtan


Udruga Zemljane staze promovira održive sustave, očuvanje zdravlja ljudi, okoliša i prirode, a zalaže se za smanjivanje upotrebe pesticida s ciljem konačnog izbacivanja istih iz upotrebe.

Za više informacija obratite se na broj +385 91 519 2593.