English below
Nakon poraznog referenduma u Švicarskoj trebalo mi je par dana da skupim snage natipkati vijest da su Švicarci na referendumu odlučili zadržati pesticide u opticaju.
No, treba spomenuti da je čak 39% Švicaraca glasalo ZA zabranu korištenja pesticida – već ta brojka je za Švicarce, u usporedbi sa stanjem u Hrvatskoj, vrlo ohrabrujuća i vrlo pozitivna. Jer, 39% građana jasno se usprotivilo vrlo agresivnom agri-biznisu. Vrlo agresivnom.
U Hrvatskoj bi taj postotak bio vrlo poražavajući, prvo zato što bi na referendum izašli isključivo oni koji imaju izravne i jasne učinke od ishoga – upravo agroindustrija, ona toksična, a svi mi ostali bismo ne izašli, jer tako i razmišljamo: “moj glas neće učiniti promjenu”, “baš me briga”, “to se mene ne tiče”, “ne može se bez pesticida”, i sl.
Ali, ipak nas se tiče, i to vrlo snažno, i baš svakodnevno!
Jer, svaki dan jedemo, zar ne?
Svaki dan pijemo vodu zagađenu pesticidima.
Svaki dan udišemo zrak kojim se šire pesticidi koje zanosi vjetar.
Svaki dan zatrovanu hranu dajemo djeci.
Možemo bolje!
Zaslužujemo bolje!
Nemaju pravo uništavati prirodne resurse i narušavati naše zdravlje!
After the devastating referendum in Switzerland, it took me a couple of days to gather the strength to type the news that the Swiss citizens had decided to keep pesticides in circulation in the referendum.
However, it should be mentioned that as many as 39% of Swiss people voted FOR the ban on the use of pesticides – this figure is very encouraging and very positive for the Swiss, compared to the situation in Croatia. Because 39% of citizens clearly opposed the very aggressive agri-business. Very aggressive.
In Croatia, that percentage would be very devastating, firstly because only those who have direct and clear effects from the outcome would go to the referendum – precisely the agro-industry, the toxic one, and all the rest of us would not come out, because we think: “my vote will not make a change “,” I don’t care “,” it’s none of my business “,” you can’t do without pesticides “, etc.
But, it still concerns us, and very strongly, and just every day!
Because we eat every day, right?
We drink water contaminated with pesticides every day.
Every day we breathe air that spreads wind-blown pesticides.
We give poisoned food to children every day.
We can do better!
We deserve better!
They have no right to destroy natural resources and damage our health!