Najava edukativne emisije iz serije Učinci pesticida i održive alternative

Natalija Svrtan iz udruge Zemljane staze / Earth Trek upozorava na opasnosti nezdrave prehrane i najavljuje edukativni video u kojem gostuje poduzetnik Andreas Wil Gerdes

Natalija Svrtan u edukativnom filmu “Učinci pesticida na zdravlje ljudi i okoliš”
“Vekerica”, VTV, 12.08.2020.

U emisiji se govori o značenju pojma “zdrava hrana”, odnosno, razgovara se o tome koje uvjete hrana treba zadovoljiti da bi na naš organizam imala pozitivan utjecaj te o obrazovnom filmu snimljenom sredstvima organizacije Global Greengrants Fund.
Hrana opterećena toksinima iz pesticida organizmu čini više štete nego koristi, zato trebamo tražiti i konzumirati isključivo organsku, neštetnu hranu.

Covid-19 kriza pomaknula je fokus na važnost podizanja obrambenih sposobnosti organizma, a značajan čimbenik u tim nastojanjima predstavlja i zdrava hrana.

Earth Trek’s educational movie on the pesticides impact

The Earth Trek NGO recorded 3 educational movies on the effects of pesticides and sustainable alternatives

HR version

The global impact of pesticide use has long been too much of a burden on the environment and nature, and especially on human health

In order to raise the awareness of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia about the effects of pesticides on human health and the environment, we recorded 3 educational movies, with support from Global Greengrants Fund.

The first of them is bilingual, in Croatian and English, in order to reach as wide an audience as possible, and it will be premiered on the Earth Trek’s Youtube channel on Thursday, August 6, 2020. at 10:00 a.m.

Link to premiere:

The guest of the first show is the Malta based German entrepreneur Andreas Wil Gerdes, who brought ideas for the recovery and progress to Croatia and connected with Croatian entrepreneurs and activists.

Andreas is interested in bringing progress to Croatia, with ideas and innovative solutions that are simple and scalable.


In the interview, he talks about the importance of boosting health/ immune systems. He shares his experiences and believes in Croatia’s unique potential e.g. living a healthy and happy life. He paid special attention to the Covid-19 crisis.

“The goal of filming these educational movies is not to make money, but only to reach as many viewers as possible, in order to raise citizens’ awareness of the consequences of pesticide use, and encourage relevant institutions to react quickly and adapt to European trends, and enacting the laws and strategies which are protecting human health, nature and environment,” said Natalija Svrtan, the president of the Earth Trek NGO.

Natalija Svrtan
Natalija Svrtan, the Author